About us



BUWOG can look back on over 70 years of expe­ri­ence in the resi­den­ti­al real estate sec­tor and is curr­ent­ly crea­ting urgen­tly nee­ded living space with around 55,000 apart­ments under con­s­truc­tion and in plan­ning. Our suc­cess prin­ci­ple: sales and buy­er manage­ment are invol­ved in every sin­gle pro­ject right from the ear­ly plan­ning stages. Tog­e­ther, the teams accom­pa­ny you from the first mee­ting to the han­do­ver of the keys and beyond.

Thanks to a wealth of infor­ma­ti­on on the archi­tec­tu­re, fea­tures of the apart­ment, loca­ti­on and infra­struc­tu­re, your cont­act per­son is always a com­pe­tent gui­de on the way to your dream pro­per­ty. Becau­se our aim is to lis­ten in order to under­stand our cus­to­mers’ needs and thoughts pre­cis­e­ly. This is how our mot­to “Hap­py living” beco­mes rea­li­ty every day.

Find out more about the BUWOG sus­taina­bi­li­ty agen­da at buwog​.de/​s​u​s​t​a​i​n​a​b​i​l​ity

You can also find out more about BUWO­G’s acti­vi­ties and about neigh­bor­hood deve­lo­p­ment, sus­tainable new con­s­truc­tion and archi­tec­tu­re on the BUWOG blog and in the BUWOG pod­cast

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us!

On course together

Whe­ther a sin­gle apart­ment, fami­ly home or reti­re­ment home, real estate is a sought-after invest­ment as part of finan­cial provision.

To make your dream home come true, our coope­ra­ti­on part­ners will be hap­py to sup­port you in crea­ting a tail­or-made finan­cing con­cept — adapt­ed to your per­so­nal stage of life. We will also be hap­py to inform you about the fun­ding oppor­tu­ni­ties for your pro­per­ty in accordance with the cri­te­ria for KfW 55 effi­ci­en­cy houses.

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin